Wednesday, June 1, 2011


I do like summer but it seems to be a lot of work, for by the time I get all my projects done in the yard, you'll get about one week to enjoy them before winter covers them up.
I decided to work in my yard.  I am working a new little flower area along my stairs.  I had to evict several ant hills in the process, they were non too happy about that.  Luckily they weren't fire ants.  I have that half done so hopefully I can finish it all up this week. 
After that I need to fix my front flower bed rock area.  It seems that the landscaping paper needs to be replaced as weeds have overtaken the area.  You see my neighbors had nothing in their front yard.  I put in my little landscaping, which wasn't awesome but considering I did it myself it didn't look too bad.  However the neighbors then had professionals put in beautiful landscaping and flower gardens.  Our front lawns are on a hill so it makes it hard to mow, thus the landscaping. 
I would also like to work on my lawn and killing off the weeds there and planting more grass.
Well I guess I'll stick with the front yard project for now, that's what is more visible.

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