Saturday, June 18, 2011

Kacee's Sayings

Yesterday while at the store we bought everyone a painting project.  Well, Kacee let me tell you that girl remembers stuff like that.  Today when she got up she goes to the closet and gets it out, she's ready to paint.  I tell her, "No we can't do that today." 
"Why," asks the 2 year old.
 "We have to clean, but we'll do it on another day." 
"Oh, Wednesday, ok?" she tells me.
"Yeah, sure we'll paint that on Wednesday."
    Randomness! I think Wednesday and Saturday are the only two days she knows.  I must say those two days alot. 
Another one of her things is "5 minutes ok?" That's whenever I tell her it's time for bed or to stop playing etc..  Or when I ask her to do something, "I can't how."  That would be I don't know how.  That or she tells me "I busy."
I love listening to this stage of kids and how they try to use big words but they don't always know exactly what they are saying.  Or they know all too well what they are saying!!

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