Saturday, June 25, 2011

Thai Chicken Wraps

This is one of our family's favorites meals.

1 lb Chicken breast
1/2 tsp garlic salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1 Tblsp. Olive Oil
1 bag Broccoli Slaw Mix
1 Medium red onion, cut into thin slices
Fresh Ginger

Peanut Sauce

In small Saucepan combine 1/4 cup Peanut Butter, 1/4 cup sugar, 3 Tblsp. Soy Sauce, 3 Tblsp. Water, 1 Tblsp. Butter and 1 tsp. bottled minced garlic, Heat until sugar is dissolved, stirring frequently.

-Rinse Chicken and Pat Dry
-Cut Chicken into small pieces
-In Bowl add chicken, pepper and garlic salt - toss until all chicken is seasoned
-In Large pan pour some olive oil, once hot, cook Chicken until done
-Remove Chicken from skillet and set aside
-Add Broccoli Slaw mix, red onion and grate in some fresh Ginger(I cut off the peel before I grate it in)
-Cook vegetables until tender (you might need to add a little oil if your pan is too dry.

-To Assemble, spread sauce on warmed tortillas, top with chicken and vegetable mix.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Homemade Patty Melts

I made homemade patty melts a few weeks ago and they were so yummy, I thought I would pass it on. 

Prepare Hamburger patties  and grill them up ( I seasoned mine with garlic powder and onion powder)
Carmelized Onions -(Cut up onion and place in pan with a Tablespoon Butter and 2-3 tsps. brown sugar and saute up)
Cheese Slices (whatever you like, I just used American and that turned out really good)
Sourdough Bread(I bought mine from Wal-mart in the Bakery section) (if you go in the early mornings they have day olds on a discount rack)
--Melt butter and add a little garlic salt and onion powder- Pour over or spread on bread
Place in hot pan, butter side down
add hamburger patty, onions, and cheese top with another slice of bread
Grill up like a grilled cheese.


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Free Activities

I am finding there are tons of free activities you can take your family to if you just look and plan ahead.  Last night the library was hosting a Brazilian Carnival.  They had a drum troupe come in and play various styles of Brazilian music.  Then they taught us how to play, even I took part in the action.  It was lots of fun. 
Today is the read-a-thon at the library.  We stopped by got free doughnuts, there were people there to read books to the little ones and you could sit and read as well.  All the pages you read while there go onto their tally board. 
I will try to post information for free activities or low cost activities as I find them for surrounding communities.
Get out and have some fun as a family.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Summer Activities

Well today is the official start of summer activities.  My kids don't do a lot of activities and I recall why now.  I love watching them do different sports and learning new things, but with four kids I can see it can get real hectic real quick.  Emily is doing tennis this year and piano lessons.  She wanted to try out the trumpet which is fine since I own one.  I told her maybe we could wait on that. 
Josie was going to do tennis as well but I opted for Gymnastics instead which is only 4 sessions in the evening.  Shorter and Daddy can help take her.   She is also going to the Summer Kids Academy for some extra math help. 
 Isaiah is doing peewee league baseball.  I was hoping to get them into swim lessons but I couldn't find a time that would work around the other events.  Both Emily and Isaiah get to go to Bible camp for a whole week.  This will be Isaiah's firts time, I'm a little worried about that.  Emily went last year, so I know she should be ok.
 Luckily Kacee is too little for any of the events.  We will get to go to Grandma's house for a few days and then there will be our Church's Daycamp.  Plus Emily and Isaiah and myself are helping out with a puppet/drama for church. 
That should keep us busy for awile.  It will be lots of fun to see what all the kids learn throughout the summer.  They just grow up too fast. 

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Kacee's Sayings

Yesterday while at the store we bought everyone a painting project.  Well, Kacee let me tell you that girl remembers stuff like that.  Today when she got up she goes to the closet and gets it out, she's ready to paint.  I tell her, "No we can't do that today." 
"Why," asks the 2 year old.
 "We have to clean, but we'll do it on another day." 
"Oh, Wednesday, ok?" she tells me.
"Yeah, sure we'll paint that on Wednesday."
    Randomness! I think Wednesday and Saturday are the only two days she knows.  I must say those two days alot. 
Another one of her things is "5 minutes ok?" That's whenever I tell her it's time for bed or to stop playing etc..  Or when I ask her to do something, "I can't how."  That would be I don't know how.  That or she tells me "I busy."
I love listening to this stage of kids and how they try to use big words but they don't always know exactly what they are saying.  Or they know all too well what they are saying!!

Friday, June 17, 2011

A day out

No extra kiddos today so me and my four had a day together.  They have free lunch at the school for kids for the summer, so I took the kids out for lunch!!  Then we went to Mankato and played in the park and took some pictures.  What day would be complete without a visit to the Doctor? (for me that is actually true as of late)  Then we went to a couple of stores and picked up some rainy day activities.  Then home for playtime outised, some homemade pizza, and a movie.  (Daddy got to out with some friends)
Overall it was a fun day, very beautiful out. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


I do like summer but it seems to be a lot of work, for by the time I get all my projects done in the yard, you'll get about one week to enjoy them before winter covers them up.
I decided to work in my yard.  I am working a new little flower area along my stairs.  I had to evict several ant hills in the process, they were non too happy about that.  Luckily they weren't fire ants.  I have that half done so hopefully I can finish it all up this week. 
After that I need to fix my front flower bed rock area.  It seems that the landscaping paper needs to be replaced as weeds have overtaken the area.  You see my neighbors had nothing in their front yard.  I put in my little landscaping, which wasn't awesome but considering I did it myself it didn't look too bad.  However the neighbors then had professionals put in beautiful landscaping and flower gardens.  Our front lawns are on a hill so it makes it hard to mow, thus the landscaping. 
I would also like to work on my lawn and killing off the weeds there and planting more grass.
Well I guess I'll stick with the front yard project for now, that's what is more visible.