Friday, July 2, 2010


Who doesn't love Fridays?  For they are our mark on the week, we can look back at reflect on all that we have successfully completed (or not) that week, look ahead to a few days off and well overall just a great chance for us to relax a little.  Even in the work world they realize the need for a day with a little less stress, they do call them casual Fridays.  I do believe this isn't just because the employees are allowed to wear more casual attire.  I bet if you monitored meetings throughout the week at any business you would find a slightly more relaxed environment on most Fridays(barring any major deadlines that is). 
People are certainly in need of Fridays.  When I am directing plays, the Friday audience is always more rambunctious than the other crowds.  My opinion on this is that are most in need of relaxing and having some fun. While the crowds on Saturday and Sunday are more subdued because they have had a chance to relax and thus are more laid back. 
Now for a stay at home mom Fridays well they still work pretty much the same, the weekends bring a whole different routine or lack thereof.  Of course for me personally Fridays a lot of the time are cleaning days as I want to be able to enjoy my weekend in a nice clean serene environment.  Then after the cleaning is done, it's time to celebrate that we have completed another week, time to get out of the house.  (Of course this is done mostly so as to not mess up one's now and what will  be a very shortlived clean house.)
So Celebrate on this Friday and especially more as this is a holiday weekend, but that topic will have to be broached on another day.  Happy 4th of July everyone.

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