Saturday, July 3, 2010

Temporary Blindness

Do you ever think you have become temporarily blind or are only seeing part of the picture?  So I walk into the kitchen last night and walk over to the fridge and I'm looking for Kacee's cup and I am looking everywhere, and then I bump into something with my foot and realized I must have walked over the cup at least 2 times and not even when I walked into the kitchen did I see it.  I remember looking in that direction and seeing nothing.  Then today I am at the waterpark and I walked into the pool and was looking for Lexi and Kacee, I am looking everywhere.  Then Dana says Nicole they are right by you and I look down and am standing within one foot of them, plus I almost stepped on them, but I only recall seeing empty pool.
Of course there are the more mindless things like freaking out looking for a baby in a crowded store only to realize she's been on your hip the entire time, or looking for your sunglasses only to find them on your head. 
Those aren't quite the same though, one is mindless and the other is like you are not seeing right.  Another good example would be when you read something and you are convinced it says one thing, so someone else reads it and tells you what it really says, and sure enough when you look back at it, it seems like someone has put different words right there on the page.
 Maybe of course I am the only one who has the pleasure of this phenomenon. 

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