Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Late nights and sleeplessness

I haven't been able to sleep lately so I have to stay up really late until I am so exhausted I can fall asleep.  This however does not contribute to a good pattern because then if I sleep, it's late when I wake up.  Of course you know this then makes you not be able to fall asleep and you stay up even later, and so the cycle continues.  Of course if you do get up early one day sometimes you are tired in the afternoon and take a nap which only puts you right back where you started.  You can see my dilemna, it's very hard to get out of this crazy cycle I have started. 
Not being able to sleep is not fun at all, I want to go to sleep but my mind just won't turn off.  You would think I would get a lot done, but when you aren't sleeping then your body is too tired to really do that much and well that starts a whole other crazy cycle. 
I hope to get off this crazy ride soon, but since I don't really don't know how I got on, I fear I shall have a hard time finding the exit.

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