Monday, July 5, 2010

Cookies and Cake

Why is it that Cookie dough is so good and the cookies fresh out of the oven are so good, but once they have cooled they are well you know?  I love to make fresh cookies, emphasis on the fresh.  I guess I got the baking bug in the family while some others got the cooking bug.  We always have goodies on hand at our house.  But of course the reason for that is that they are so yummy fresh, but usually once they have cooled they just aren't as good (at least not to me). 
Now cake that is the opposite.  I have a delicious Homemade Chocolate cake recipe.  It is so wonderfully rich and chocolatey.  By the 2nd or 3rd day it is nice and moist.  It has a wonderfully smooth texture that melts in your mouth and satisfies even the worst chocolate craving.  Now yes it is delicious with a little cool whip and strawberries but I only really need those on the first day when all the flavor hasn't quite sunk in. 
So why do somethings acquire more flavor with a little time and others seem to lose it.

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