Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Here's the thing about Procrastination...

Here's the thing about Procrastination, once you are one, well I think you are stuck.  See once you start procrastinating well you are always too busy catching up with life and doing only what needs to be done to get ahead.  If by chance you do start to plan ahead for something well you probably had to procrastinate something else to make time to do the planning and the doing, which of course you procrastinated on.  So see it is a very vicious cycle.  I would like to help all my friends out and give them this advice in advance but alas I procrastinated and now most of you are past the point of applying this information before you have been thrust out into the cold cruel reality of life. 

1 comment:

  1. nah, it's never hopeless. let's claim our small victories when we acheive them. i refuse to be a procrastinating perfectionist any longer- not getting anything done because i want it done just right and getting too overwhelmed by all that needs to get done that i end up doing nothing. it takes me 5 minutes to make a short list of 5 things i will try to get done today. i will do it. i will!! it can be done. it can!!
