Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Making an Impact

Tonight for our family devotions we were talking about how short our life here on earth is and what are we doing with it.  I was thinking about that and decided our life is like a cry uttered at the bottom of a deep valley, all those on the mountains may not hear my cry while it is uttered but they may hear the echo for quite some time after.  I suppose if your cry was forceful enough you could even cause an avalanche. 
It's very easy as a stay at home mom to not feel like I'm really doing anything in the world, or will my voice be heard, can I really make a difference?  I can, you can through the lives of our children and those that they come in contact with and so on.  A while ago we had to make a mission statement for our lives for a Bible study I am in.  At first I thought it was kind of dumb but I did it and it has made a huge impact on me.  I realize that even in the mundane daily tasks (as they so often seem), I can be making a huge impact for Christ.  He may not call us all to be Billy Graham's but we all have a unique call on our lives. 
So if you haven't done so, make a mission statement for your life.  What are you here for?  What are your goals?  What does God have in store for you?  You never know how far your echo can reach.

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