Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Do you have those projects around your house that just never seem to get done?  I have plenty of them.  I can scratch one thing off the list.  When we moved in there was nasty shag carpeting in the hallway.  Needless to say we ripped it up but the glue and staples remained.  I decided to work on my upstairs bathroom tonight.  One of the ugliest parts of it was the staples and glue by the doorway.  I pulled the staples and scraped/sanded the floor in front of it and a piece of the hallway.   I did fix the floor around the toilet, paint the walls and improvised the trim by the floor.  It looks so much better.
 Of course the rest of the hall is still covered with glue.  Oh well it's been there for 10 years a little while longer won't make much difference I guess. 

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