Saturday, July 2, 2011

Vacation at Home

We are not taking a big formal vacation this year, so we are trying to have a few fun days around town. Yesterday, Grandma and Aunt Susan took the kids to the waterpark for the afternoon. (I got to spend the afternoon at the Doctor's office laying still for a picture of my gallbladder) Today we slept in, went for a walk, played games, went rollerblading and biking, out to Eat at the Boathouse and now some Fireworks.
It was our first time ever to eat at the Boathouse which is only a block and a half from our house. What's even funnier is that we lived in this town for about 4 years before I even realized there was a restaurant around the corner from our house. It was pretty good. The neighbors are having their roof done and the construction guy asked if it was ok if he drove his truck up our driveway so he didn't have to haul the trash down the hill. He gave us a certificate for that, I wasn't expecting that. But of course, I don't turn down a free meal.
Sunday we will go to Tim's family party at his Aunt's house. They do a hayride and a supper and fireworks. Then on monday we will take the kids to a friends house to swim and then hang out at the party there for awhile.
Two of my sister's and their families along with my mom are at Family Camp. I wish we could have gone, but we are registered for next year. So for this summer it's just finding more fun activities around home. That's ok though. I thought it was a nice afternoon as I sat on my couch and looked around at the kids all playing games. Enjoying family is really what a vacation is about, not where you go.

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