Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I was originally thinking how can I help myself lose weight and I thought when I am busy or distracted I do pretty good.  I had to come up with a way to distract myself so I thought maybe I could work on memorizing my verses for my bible study.  I put up the verses in my kitchen over my stove, over the microwave, by the fridge water dispenser, on the snack pantry, etc.  The idea was that when I was going to eat I would instead take time to memorize a verse.  It works quite well.  I didn't realize how much wasted time you have while you are doing things like waiting for toast, or standing over the stove.  I am feeling pretty good about putting my wasted time to use.  I think I will add in some places like the mirror over the sink,for while you are brushing your teeth or washing your hands.  Don't laugh, but across from your toilet, you can't tell me that time doesn't add up in a day.  How about above your computer, on your steering wheel (of course that is just for red lights). 
Try it and see how many verses you can learn in a week or two.

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