Thursday, October 28, 2010

Grocery List

A tip to making it easier for grocery Shopping.  Make up a list with all the groceries that you normally keep on hand.  Divide them up into the categories of Produce, Dry/Canned, Dairy, etc. and put them in the order you would find them in the grocery store.  Leave a few blanks at the end of each category for menu specific groceries you will buy on your next trip.  Then hang the list up on your fridge and when you run out of something say Ketchup, you just circle it, check it, mark it in some way.  Then when it's time to get groceries, half of your work is done already. 
It also helps to have a column on the list to mark whether you have a coupon or not.  I sometimes forget the coupon when it comes to pay but having it on my list I remember to pull out those coupons.

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