Thursday, May 27, 2010

I never know what to say

I'd blog more but I never know what to say.  I type something up and then think that is stupid and delete it all.  Interesting things do happen here, but by the time I get to the computer I've forgotten half the story.  That's probably why I don't keep a journal because I can't remember any thing that happened.  Of course if I did keep a journal it might help me remember what happened.  That is one of those chicken and egg things I guess.
I do recall one item from the day, Emily and Isaiah were talking and she was saying something to him about back in the day....  I thought this was hilarious as she is only 9 and 3/4. 

Well I did warn you that I didn't have anything to say so if you read this anyway you can't blame me.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

In the News

So first of all it's been a while since I've blogged but I updated our antivirus and it messed up my computer and we just got it all straightened out. 
So I'm watching the cbs evening news and there is a story about a planet in another galaxy, so already how is this affecting me.  The point of the story was that the planet is too close to it's sun and it's orbit is getting pulled in or something and that it will melted or dissolved or something into it's sun.  So maybe a little interesting but then they say it's not going to happen for 10 million years.  1st of all seriously how do they know that, 2nd of all if this is not going to happen for 10 million years why waste my time telling me, because no one listening to this story will be here to see it happen.  There had to be something more pressing in this world that they could have spend that time telling us. I just found it rather hilarious.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Babies and Phones

What is a babies fascination with a phone?  I think it is hilarious.  They will hold up anything with buttons or even mildly shaped like a phone to their ear.  Well actually they hold it up to the back of their head which is even funnier.  I have countless pictures of my children trying to talk on a phone.  I thought of this as I took away my phone from my daughter and then she found my lablemaker and put that up to her head and tried to talk into in.