Monday, March 12, 2012

Yummy Homemade Chicken Nuggets

I don't have a picture for this recipe right now but next time I make them again I will post one.
These are super easy and very yummy.
Cubed Chicken Breast
1-2 Cups flour
Onion Powder
Garlic Powder
(I didn't put an amount for the seasonings but you don't need a lot just add according to your tastes)
1 cup Buttermilk (I personally use Almond Milk)
Vegetable Oil

Cube Chicken or cut into small strips however you prefer.
Soak meat in Milk
Pour Flour and Seasonings into a Plastic Baggie
Remove Chicken from Milk and one by one drop pieces into the flour mixture and shake to evenly coat pieces.
Using a deep fryer at 350 or warming oil in hot pan-
Put chicken into hot oil
I cook until the nuggets are lightly browned and floating (I check with meat thermometer to make sure they are cooked through) It only takes a few minutes
Dump out onto a plate lined with paper towels.
Serve up with your favorite dipping sauce or make into Buffalo style nuggets (see below)

To make them into Boneless Buffalo wings
Then if you like you can throw the chicken into a hot pan with melted butter and hotsauce and cook in oven for 3 minutes at 425.

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