Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I love to rearrange things.  I'm always looking for a better way for the house to be organized.  I think I might feel like if I have it arranged just right, it will keep it from getting messy.  So far that has never worked.  I do know that I think it feels cleaner when it is all rearranged.  I don't just move furniture around in one room when I rearrange.  I move furniture from room to room, I repurpose rooms as well.  Ask my kids where the toy room is, they might not know, since it frequently changes.  I even switch bedrooms.  So today I am switching bedrooms, and computer rooms and stuff like that.  The kids asked me what the bathroom was going to be.  I said well I can't change that, but I would if I could.  I thought it was pretty funny, I guess they know me a little too well.

Monday, June 7, 2010

One more day of School!!

Remember how great it used to be to count down the days until the end of school.  Just waiting for what felt like forever for the last minutes to tick off the clock.  Then finally it was summer break.  The long lazy days of summer. 
Ok a break in thought here, as I'm typing this, I hear Josie crying "Dad, can't you watch Kacee for just one minute so I can have some alone time!!! " Way too hilarious. 
Summer break I believe I was discussing.  Oh forget it the train has left the station on that thought.  Well anyway. That's it I guess.