Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Too much to do to little time for fun.

Do you ever find that chores get in the way of fun?  I made pancakes for supper because they were easy, while I really wanted to order out, but alas my checkbook and I didn't agree on that one.  Anyway after picking up Tim from work, the kids asked what was supper and my husband responed Orange Chicken and Rice, to which I smiled and you already know that of course was not what we had for supper.  So I told Tim that we were going to have pancakes, he says why do you even have a menu if you aren't going to use it.  I said it was so nice that I didn't want to make supper, so I took the kids to the park for an hour instead.  After such a long winter it is very hard to be motivated on housework and such when the sun is shining so beautifully calling to me to come out and play. 

Sunday, March 21, 2010

It's Spring!!!!

Yes Spring officially kicked off at 12:32 yesterday.  I personally didn't notice much difference from 12:31 but I guess they need an official start spot.  I did enjoy the weather and go outside for a walk today.  Kacee wanted out of the house, she went and got here coat and was ready to get out I guess.  I took her outside and she headed right for the van, trying to get in.  I thought that was pretty funny.  I wasn't sure if she would want to get in the stroller, but she loved it.  I also thought it was much better than the non stop screaming I was enduring from her while in the house.  I guess even babies know when it's spring and want out of the house.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The asthmatic barking Dogs

I have new neighbors who have these two little pugs.  They bark incessantly.  One of them is what sounds to me like asthmatic, so it's these deep wheezy bark.  I swear it sounds like it is about to die every time it breaths or barks.  It is very annoying and slightly disturbing. 

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I'm tired today which is funny because I actually got some sleep last night.  So yesterday when I had no sleep I felt better than today when I got a little sleep.  I guess I can function on no sleep or a full night's sleep but the in between doesn't work.  That's all I have to say because even typing this is tiring today.  Guess it's going to be a lazy day, kind of.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Girl Scout Cookies

I thought I would try to talk about something more positive, so why not Girl Scout cookies.  I went to the store and they had Girl Scout Cookies so of course I had to buy some.  Plus the sign said  I would be helping our soldiers over seas get cookies as well. (That way I can justify all those calories).  I was good I only got one box of Samoas and one box of Thin Mints.  MMMMM they were good. 

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Water and More Water.

Every once in a while we get water that seeps in under the wall in the basement.  Usually it's not too bad, spring when there is a lot of rain and then later in the summer only if the gutters are plugged.  With all the snow melting and the rain, maybe because the ground isn't thawed,who knows why really but we've got water.  It's really more annoying than anything.  Every five minutes we have to go down and suck it up to keep it in check. I am a little concerned though because it isn't usually this much.  There is still a lot of snow to be melted so I am little concerned about how long this could last. 

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

AHHHHH!!!!! The smell of fresh clean laundry.  I just got my new washer and dryer today so of course I had to do some laundry.  I really like my Norwex laundry detergent so I decided to keep using it even thought it doesn't technically say HE (high efficiency).  I sometimes use the Norwex Odor Eliminator so since there is a spot for fabric softener I put that in that slot.  My towels came out so fresh smelling, very cool. Plus you use less than a tsp. of the laundry detergent which someone says makes it less than 4 cents a load, the smell of saving money is a pretty nice smell as well.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Little Boys and Basketball

Here is Isaiah on the sidelines playing paper, rock, scissors.
Isaiah had basketball practice and today was the last one so they played a full court game.  It was quite hilarious.  Isaiah believed if he yelled loud enough they would miss their shots.  Then everyone would be down the court and Isaiah would be on the wrong side.  Everyone was playing basketball except Isaiah he would be running around in circles, then he would decide to play for awhile, get bored and be goofy again.
I wanted to put some video on but couldn't get that to work, maybe later.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Washing Machines and Purses

What do the 2 have in common, well nothing really.  I got the joy of spending my tax money on a new washer and dryer, real exciting right?  I mean I like clean undies as much as the next person but I wouldn't call washing clothes fun.  So I thought I should get something fun for myself so I bought myself a new purse, which is quite cute, plus it definitely says Hello Spring (ask my brother-in-law TJ about that LOL:)

Thursday, March 4, 2010

To my awesome blog followers

This is a blog for my 2 followers I feel so loved.  If I ever win an oscar or emmy or blue ribbon at the fair I will be sure to thank you in my acceptance speech.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

We took the kids to the Children's museum on Valentine's Day, we all decided to get our pictures taken inside the turtle shell. 
I love the sun, but it's very deceiving this time of year.  You look outside and see the shine pouring down and think wow it looks beautiful out.  Then you step outside and wham, it's still winter.  Granted 35 is still a lot warmer than 0.  I am looking forward to 60 or 70 and no snow.  I would like to take a walk outside with the kids or a bike ride, go play at the park, and so on.  I shall try to wait but those things are at least 2 months away and well if you know me, patience is not my strong suit.  So for now I shall sit in my house staring out at the sun and pretending it is one of those beautfiul days.

Monday, March 1, 2010

I decided it would be fun to have a blog, so here it is.  Hope you enjoy our family and our dramatic happenings:)