Thursday, April 29, 2010


I decided with it being a little cloudy out it would be a great day for pictures outside. ( Which they turned out really cute, you can see them on facebook. )  So I started the process of getting myself and the 2 girls ready for the pictures.  Within 5 minutes Kacee had already gotten something on her clothes and so on it went.  I recall now why our family picture is so outdated.  It is no fun trying to get everyone ready for a picture, keep them clean and then get them to stand still and smile. So we have a family picture scheduled for next week, it should be interesting to say the least. 

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Josie Isms

Josie "Cops are good people, they put the bad people in jail and they have to stay there until they get nice."
Josie " When I put my hands in my armpits I look like a chicken, (chiken noises) The chicken said it would lay an egg in 16 minute."

Friday, April 16, 2010

Isaiah's Field Trip

So today I got to Chaperone Isaiah's class trip to the Science Museum.  If this doesn't say we love our children I don't know what does.  We rode on the bus for about 1 1/2 hours up there went through the museum for an hour ate lunch watched an Omnimax presentation and rode the 1 1/2 back.  So most chaperones had 2 maybe 3.  I got 4 boys.  Overall they were pretty good, but if you know how loud my son is one of them was louder and more hyper than mine.  Plus they all wanted to go in different directions, almost lost one once(never fear he didn't get to far).  Overall they were pretty good though. 
On the way home we were riding in the back of the bus (which I am way to old to do, very bumpy ride) and of course they were wound up and they were playing around.  They were playing some kind of game where bombs exploded and they all died.  Well that gave me an idea, I bribed them with something they were going to get anyway which was rootbeer floats back at school.  I told them whoever played dead or was the quietest all the way back to school would get their rootbeer float.  Worked like a charm 20 minutes of silence.  The other chaperones joked with me as to why I didn't think of that in the beginning. 

Thursday, April 15, 2010


I love how kids think they know everything.   Josie says the silliest things.  Yesterday she was telling me something I don't remember what but it had a First of all and a Second of All.  Then today I tell Kacee to come back and she says yes mom and keeps on running away.